In Printec We Care.
We Care is the CSR program we have developed to include all activities and communications that involve the well-being of our people and our responsibility towards society and the environment.
The principles of corporate responsibility and sustainability go beyond compliance and philanthropy. Sustainability isn’t an initiative for us; it is integrated into our core strategy and embedded in our business, processes and ways of working, across all the countries in which we are present.
Our sustainability vision is formulated around three basic pillars and is focused on creating sustained value for our people, the society and the environment.
For You
We take care of our mind and body! We focus on our physical and mental health, stress release and nutrition. Company initiatives include participation in sports events, pilates & yoga classes, healthy snack days and first aid trainings.
We grow together! We always take some time off our busy calendars to get together with our colleagues and share our knowledge or even our concerns, participate in workshops and trainings. Learning and development opportunities are endless.
We pay attention to worklife! Our initiatives include team building activities, enhancement of our workplace and flexibility in how we deliver our work. We emphasize on teamwork and collaboration and introduce meaningful perks for our colleagues group-wide.
We enjoy working in Printec! We are always trying to have fun, while delivering exceptional quality of work. Short breaks to spend some time with our teams, group visits to cultural events, team outings and celebration of our achievements or special occasions are part of our daily routine.
For Society
We raise awareness for health issues! Every year, we race together with friends and family to spread the message of breast cancer awareness.
We provide to children! We are collaborating with several NPOs and other members of our communities across our countries, making wishes come true, covering basic needs of children and donating equipment to local schools.
We share knowledge! We enjoy sharing our knowledge and experience, especially with young people, providing guidance and career advice.
For the Environment
We recycle for a cause and promote sustainability! In all our facilities, we are committed to recycling, separating waste and switching to energy efficient practices.
We collect bottle lids for a good cause! We regularly send the collected bottles caps to a humanitarian association that exchanges them and buys medicine for people suffering from severe illness and cannot afford the treatment.
Following the Chinese proverb: "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago-the second best time is now", we participate in reforestation initiatives, planting seedlings.